Add threaded discussions to any page of your docs or website

Q&A.js is an embeddable, open source widget for people to ask or answer questions. It's like Stack Overflow in your docs!

Squeak! Q&A screenshot

👆 Here's what Squeak! looks like on PostHog's docs.


Available now

  • A widget appears wherever it's installed (unique to that specific URL)
  • Questions previously asked on that page will render
  • Option to moderate new posts and replies before publishing
  • Ability to show specific threads on multiple pages
  • Close threads
  • Mark an answer as the accepted solution
  • Slack notifications for new questions
  • Webhook support
  • User emails (via Mailgun)

Toolkit integrations

On the roadmap

Q&A.js is in beta (and free) until the above list is completed.

Future ideas

How it works

Here's what happens when a user asks a question on a page of your website or docs.

  1. Step 1

    A user posts a question on your website or docs

    A user posts a question on your website or docs
  2. Step 2

    Moderators get notified in Slack

    Moderators get notified in Slack
  3. Step 3

    Moderators (and your community) can reply

    Moderators (and your community) can reply
  4. Step 4

    Response is sent to the question’s author

    Response is sent to the question’s author


Try Q&A.js